28 Blogging Tips for Newbies and Veterans

We’ve all seen them. The same old, tired lists of regurgitated tips on how to blog better. They’re so common, you could probably name most of them in your sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of them. I want to know what really works.

Since 2017, I’ve been a blogger and have helped thousands of people learn this craft of online publishing. Still, there are days when I feel very much like a newbie.

When I quit my old blog and started a new one, I realized how much I didn’t know about blogging. So I decided to put together my own list of tips — stuff I started doing recently that I should’ve been doing since the beginning.

So whether you’re just getting started or have been blogging for awhile, here are 25 tips to help guide and direct you:


No copy-catting. Stop trying to be like someone you admire and instead find out what unique offering you have.
Tell the truth. Never lie, mislead, or cajole. Trust is slowly earned and easily lost.
Be awesome. There’s enough mediocrity out there. Stop adding to the noise, and do something outstanding.
Give yourself grace. Be patient; it takes time to find your voice.
Pick a theme. But realize readers will stick around for your voice, not your subject.
Growth and community

Don’t measure stats too early. If you’re obsessing over daily numbers and you’re only a few months into your blogging journey, you’re wasting your time. It’s still too early to pay close attention to trends. After that, make sure you have Google Analytics installed.
Make your content easy to share. The majority of content that’s shared online is done through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and others. You should make this easy for your readers to tell their friends about you. (A WordPress plugin I recommend is DIGG DIGG.)